Electronic Discovery

Electronic discovery (or e-discovery) deals with the discovery phase in civil and criminal matters and the exchange of electronically stored information (ESI). Often times, attorneys identify electronically stored information or data that is relevant to their case and request that the data is placed on legal hold.

Diversified Risk Management assists its clients and their attorneys with ediscovery from beginning to end, starting with:

  • Assessment of the case in anticipation of litigation or early in the litigation proceedings.
  • Identifying key parties.Electronic Discovery E-discovery
  • Determining whether it is worthwhile or necessary to preserve the data created or accessed by the key parties.
  • Determining whether the data is subject to discovery.

Examples of electronically stored information included in e-discovery:

  • e-mail messages
  • Instant messaging chat sessions
  • Documents
  • Databases
  • Websites
  • Any other electronically stored information that may be evidence relevant to a legal matter.

For a a fast, expert assessment of your e-discovery needs please contact us ASAP.

Unlike hard copies of files, electronic data is usually accompanied by metadata. Metadata specifies when an electronic document was created, the size of the document, which user created the document and identifies the folder on a computer network where the data was created. Electronic documents are more difficult to completely delete or remove than paper documents, although it is still possible to delete or corrupt electronic documents. Traces of a deleted document may still remain on a data server, back-up drive, or as an e-mail attachment to another party, making recovery of the document possible.

Other key aspects of e-discovery include the Collection Process, Analytics, Deep Analysis of Hidden Files, Recovery of Deleted Files, Online Documentation, and ESI Production. Underlined words should lead to a different links.

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