Does your organization require a fair and impartial third-party to investigate misconduct or suspected criminal activity in the workplace?
As a leading independent risk consulting and corporate investigation firm, we conduct workplace investigations for employers, law firms, insurance companies and non-profit organizations throughout North America. We are able to liaison with local authorities to provide evidence that can lead to successful convictions and ultimately restitution for documented losses and the cost of using outside professional services.
In most circumstances our unique investigative methods have allowed our clients to enforce company policies without fear of reprisal and litigation. As an employer, you’ll have a solid basis for taking action and defending your business against claims of inaction and unfair treatment.
A Proven Track Record
Since 1978, our executive management team has enabled employers to reduce liability, improve morale, increase profits and produce tangible, measurable results. We complete the information gathering and fact-finding process by interviewing employee and non-employee suspects to obtain admissions and explanations for the crimes committed against the business.
Our interviews have a historical 98% success rate at obtaining-voluntary admissions of wrongdoing and thus solving complex cases.
A Comprehensive Approach To Fit Your Needs
We gather necessary evidence and work with management personnel to offer options appropriate for your situation. With a nationwide network of experienced investigators and strategic partners, Diversified Risk Management, Inc. helps small and large companies reduce risk and solve problems with 21stcentury investigation techniques, proven practical methods, and revolutionary technology.
We don’t make decisions or recommendations regarding disciplinary action. We provide you with the solid, verifiable facts in an easily-interpreted, easily-presented format. We tie all the various facts and documents together to show what it all represents. You’ll receive a customized report that provides the information you need to make informed decisions.
Our services include but are not limited to:
- Due Diligence
- Substance Abuse
- Employee Misconduct
- Surveillance
- Litigation Support
- Theft
- OSHA Compliance
- Undercover Investigations
- Physical Security Systems
- White-Collar Crimes
- Security/Risk Analysis Surveys
- Workers’ Compensation Fraud
- Sexual Harassment
- Workplace Violence
Fully Licensed and Insured
We are licensed by the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services and where necessary to conduct investigations as required by state law and carry all the necessary insurance. Call or e-mail us for a consultation and learn how we can provide answers to the problems facing your organization.